Botox, Dysport and Xeomin are all considered neurotoxins and treat wrinkles caused by repeated movements. The most commonly treated areas include:the lines around the eyes known as crows feet caused by squinting or smilingthe horizontal lines across the forehead caused by raising the eyebrowsthe lines & folding of skin between the eyebrows caused by frowning“Bunny lines” on the sides of the nose. Nasal flare reduction corners of the mouth jawline, eyebrows and lips chin.


The cost of treatment varies by each patient and a personal consultation can give you a specific amount.

The average cost per unit is $8.75-$10, the number of units you will need can be determined during your consultation.

Prior to every treatment we will discuss the exact amount of units being injected and will review your cost.

Patients can generally expect to pay a range of $150– $400 depending on the number of units used and areas being treated.


It is important to disclose if you have received toxins in the last 4 months (Dysport, Botox, Xeomin). You are NOT a candidate for this treatment:

  • If you have been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or "Lou Gehrig's disease"); myasthenia gravis, multiple sclorosis and Lambert-Eaton syndrome
  • If you are pregnant or nursing
  • Have droopy eyelids


Most patients do not experience any side effects. Some of the more serious side effects are rare and generally related to areas and amounts being injected.

These can include droopy eyelids, forehead weakness, trouble raising your eyebrows, difficulty swallowing and urinary incontinence.


For the administration of neuromodulators (Botox, Dysport and Xeomin) To help avoid bruising, patients are recommended to discontinue use of blood thinning medication after consulting with your family practitioner.

Patients must consult their primary care physician prior to discontinuing use of any medication.Prior to treatment we will remove makeup from injections site.


Do not rub or massage the treated areas for 4 hours after your treatment.

Do not do strenuous exercise for 4 hours after treatment.

Also avoid facials, saunas for 4 hours after your treatment. This will minimize the risk of raising your blood pressure and therefore minimize the risk of temporary bruising. Feel free to shower and go about most other regular daily activities.

Do not lie down for 4 hours after treatment, this is to avoid the risk of pressure on the treated areas (from your pillow) and to avoid the risk of having the area rubbed accidentally.

Results of your treatment can take up to 14 days to take full effect. Please wait until 14 days have passed to assess the results of your Botox and Dysport treatment.

Other considerations that may not make you an ideal candidate include the following:

  • A breathing disorder such as asthma or emphysema
  • Milk allergy
  • Problems with swallowing
  • Bleeding problems
  • Surgery (especially on your face)